Category Archives: Uncategorized

Diets that leave you un-SAD-isfied

You’ve decided to eat healthier food, shed unwanted pounds, maybe try to lower your blood pressure, stave off diabetes or heart attacks, or possibly resolve some digestive issues. Congratulations!

Question is–which diet to choose? The permutations can be mind-boggling: High-carb or low-carb? High-fat or low-fat? Vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian, omnivore, or carnivore? Mediterranean, Paleo, DASH, gluten-free, alkaline, or macrobiotic? Cooked, raw, juiced, or smoothied? Continue reading

Another food blog? Seriously?

Lots of people have food blogs. Famous chefs. Obscure chefs. Gourmet cooks. Wannabe cooks. People with chef’s knives to grind. People with digital cameras. Maybe even people you know. And now, me.

You’re probably thinking, “What’s the value added here, fella?”

Simply this: While some sites focus on health and nutrition and many other sites focus on flavor, few sites aspire to do what this site does: offer recipes, tips, and guidelines for cooking food that combines optimal nutrition with maximum taste. My take on that translates to minimizing the use of refined carbohydrates, added sugar, and salt; substituting healthy fats for unhealthy ones; maximizing the use of a wide variety of nutrient-dense vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, spices, and fruits; and discovering, improving, and creating recipes representing many of the world’s cuisines.

Poke around a bit, try out a recipe or two, and let me know what you think.

And thanks for stopping by.